Sunday, September 12, 2010

4 Tips for Personal Finance Success

Most people don't think of themselves as a business, but truth is, when it comes to personal finance, you have been in business with yourself since birth. The same principals that come from business budgeting can be applied to managing your personal finance.

Here are 4 tips for successful personal finance:
1. Remove emotion from financial obligations - This will help you come up with practical solutions to problems and remove stress and other emotions from mounting bills and income worries.
2. Stay on top of things - Don't wait for bills to pile up and situations to become unmanageable. Be proactive and take care of bills as they arrive.
3. Budget - Learn new budgeting and financial planning skills and put them to use.
4. Be organized - Use software or keep a spreadsheet of your spending so you can see where your expenses can be better spent.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Here is a new peppy 1-minute video giving people advice on the responsible use of debit, ATM and credit cards.

"Card Tricks Revealed: How Not To Burn Money"